A capable board with established and diverse skills required to progress the Queensland Tenements towards production.

Tim McKinnon (L.A.M.E.)
Chairman and CEO
Apart from his primary focus on developing the Eidsvold project, he is the founder of, an electronic marketplace for the exchange of Gold and Cryptocurrency.
Tim is also a director of Copper Gold Cambodia Pty Ltd, a tier one copper-gold project, located in North East Cambodia.
In addition to a keen interest in developing mineral resources, he is a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer and operated "Abrolhos Air", his own aircraft maintenance facility in Western Australia. He has been involved in the corporate financial news sector for many years providing public companies with a direct access to investors through ABN Newswire, a company he founded in 2005.

Brian Roach (BA, AusIMM)
Chief Geologist / Director
Brian (Senior Consultant Geologist, AusIMM Member #202053) is an exploration and mining geologist with over 30 years experience within the mining industry in Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Brian has been a Director of several resource companies, these being New England Tin NL, Western Pacific Gold Inc, Niugini Nickel NL, Magma Mines NL, Hanuman Resources Ltd and Acapulco Mines NL. In addition Brian has been Exploration Manager or Head Geologist of D’Aguilar Gold, Auralia Resources NL and Mogul Mining NL. and was Head Geologist at Hillgrove Gold and Antimony Mine.
Brian played an integral role in the development of the Timbarra gold deposit in northern NSW for Auralia Resources and was instrumental in developing the first Intrusive Related Gold Deposit model as a result of his work on gold bearing granites and has considerable experience in modelling of epi-thermal gold deposits.
Brian also gained coal experience as Principal Project Geologist for the Ashford Colliery and as a Contract Geologist at North Goonyella. Brian has a long experience with gemstones including diamonds and sapphires as well as Tin and Antimony in the New England region of NSW.

Tim Robertson
Mining Engineer / Director
Tim has a rural background particularly grazing and wool production in the New England. He also has been been involved in opal and gold mining for the last 25 years.
He is an accredited mine manager and has been involved in the design and production of prototype mining machinery. In 2011 Tim, with Will started Bear Hill Mining, a private equity venture company which has done extensive prospecting throughout Australia and New Zealand seeking small to medium sized gold deposits.
Tim is the Managing Director of Bear Hill Mining.

Will McClenaghan (B.Fin)
Chief Financial Officer / Director
Will, like Tim has a background in grazing and wool and together they established AngelFleece in the early 2,000’s which held several world records in ultrafine wool production.
Will holds a degree in Financial Administration and is actively involved in the precious metals and equity markets. He is keenly interested in economic history and current global economic policy.
Will is a Director of Bear Hill Mining.